Rare's upcoming new IP, Sea of Thieves, made an appearance at Microsoft's E3 2016 conference. Sea of Thieves showed off a nice cinematic trailer before showing off actual in game gameplay from a gamers who were brought in to test the game and given no tutorial. The Sea of Thieves cinematic teased some things that might be in the game such as ship battles, fighting sharks and finding treasure at underwater shipwrecks, and exploring dungeons filled with skeleton pirates and treasure.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl3UiHp0sz0 The gamers were put on three different teams and set loose in the Sea of Thieves world. The highlight reel of their session with the game showed off lots of features. You'll be sailing your own ship, but you'll need to learn a bit about how to actual sail, like raising and lowering the anchor and sails, working the rudders, and firing the cannons when needed (the cinematic trailer hinted at sea monster battles). You can also get drunk complete with swaying, wobbly visual and control effects.
The gameplay session also showed off the open world and what it's like to get into a ship battle with other players. You'll need to be able to maneuver your ship to be able to fire at enemy ships, and coordinate with you team to tell player steering where the enemy is moving. You'll also need to make sure your team deals with the damage from enemy fire and patch up holes in your hull, otherwise you'll be on a one way trip to Davy Jones' Locker. So far no information has been revealed on any story, or how character creation and customization work, so make sure to check back with us in the future for when new info gets revealed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQlsN6EO2oU Sea of Thieves will be another Play Anywhere Xbox and Windows 10 exclusive.
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