At Microsoft's E3 2016 conference it was announced that all Minecraft players will be able to play with each other no matter what platform they are on, whether it be Xbox One, PC, Android, or iOS (unfortunately PS4 and Wii U don't get cross-play support). This is part of Monday's "Friendly Update", you'll also be able to play with people using Gear VR.
Realms were also announced for all Minecraft versions. Realms are basically private servers so that you and your friends can have a shared space to play together even when one of you isn't online. You'll have full control over who gets access to your Realm, and it will be accessible to anyone allowed in at anytime. You'll be able to host your own Realms no matter what version you are playing on, be it Windows 10, Pocket, or Xbox One. Realms will be available to try out for free for a month on Windows 10 and Pocket with their Xbox Live account.
Add-ons were also announced for Minecraft Pocket and Minecraft on Xbox One, a few will be available today, mainly texture packs like the City Texture Pack. Add-ons are basically mods for your Minecraft game, like the mods for Fallout 4. Add-ons will let you modify game elements, create your own maps, and make your own mini-games. Add-ons will be coming in fall to Windows 10 and Pocket editions of Minecraft with the Friendly Update, with Xbox One add-ons coming in 2017.
These new features look to keep players coming back to Minecraft for more and newer content, and with more ways to play with your friends even if you don't all have the same systems or platforms. Microsoft's push to make mods available to more and more games is a welcome trend and one that will extend their games' longevity and keep gamers coming back for more.
Find more of our E3 coverage at our E3 2016 Coverage Hub.