Big Boss walking with Quiet, Miller, and other members of his team behind him

Metal Gear Solid V Is "The Game of the Year – Guaranteed”, Says Konami

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Published: August 29, 2015 6:48 PM

Konami's upcoming Metal Gear Solid V is guaranteed to be the game of the year, according to Jon Edwards, a marketing executive for Konami.

Edwards recently spoke in an interview with MCVUK about the upcoming release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and he had this to say about the game.

Basically, it is the most engrossing and stunning game of the year.

Anyone who has spent any amount of time with it has been blown away by its depth, scope and ambition. It is one of those games where people go: ‘I wonder if I can do this?’ and they inevitably can.

Many games claim to be sandbox, open-world affairs, but Metal Gear Solid V does offer incredible freedom. Yes, there are missions, but it is truly up to you how they are tackled.

When we have shown it to the press, the interesting thing is that they don’t discuss just the missions or what they played, but how they did it. You get people swapping different stories, and discussing how they beat certain elements.

It's the game of the year - guaranteed.

Snake standing over Quiet as she aims her sniper rifle in Metal Gear Solid V

Edwards also stated he believes Metal Gear Solid is the only proper stealth title, and "transcends limitations,"

'Is there really a stealth market?' Edwards retorts. 'I’d argue that Metal Gear Solid is pretty much the only proper stealth title, and even then it is just a part of the whole.

Sneaking is a key part of the game, but The Phantom Pain transcends such limitations, with decoys, snipers, a buddy system, and weapon drops and airstrikes. I would argue it is a true combat title, with stealth elements. And, thus, one of a kind.'

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 5th, 2015 for Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. TechRaptor recently wrote on our most anticipated games for Fall, one of which is Metal Gear Solid V.

Do you think Metal Gear Solid V will be your Game of the Year? Let us know in the comments below!

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Avid shooter and platformer fan. Coffee is the only power up I need. In the spare time I have I will listen to more podcasts than has scientifically been… More about Bryan