Developer's Other Ocean Emeryville remake of the 1998 classic MediEvil initial Short-Lived Demo was received with mixed impressions. The first demo phase went on from the 24th of September to the 6th of October. Now it is time for another MediEvil: Short-Lived Demo, but this time with more content for players to enjoy.
The demo brings with it new areas and even a new unique Sir Dan’s Helmet item to put on to show off you completed all three areas, which are the Graveyard, Hilltop Mausoleum, and the Stained Glass Demon. The Other Ocean development team took the opportunity to discuss the struggles they had to overcome and the iterative process of remaking Sir Dan’s model for the PlayStation 4.
Art Director Nick Bruty talked more about it, and revealed the process wasn't as "grueling" as the art and development team initially estimated. He continued to discuss the iterative process of adjusting Sir Dan's arms to make his body proportional for an easier animation procedure.
"The process wasn’t as grueling as we thought. The concept artists had already been at work on many areas of the game and we had really dialed in the style. But there was one thing that bothered us from the original. Dan had surprisingly short arms. He got away with it more being so lo-res but now it just looked wrong. We made some adjustments so that they were more proportional to Dan’s lanky legs. This felt right and the animation looked better for it."
MediEvil: Short-Lived Demo is currently available for download through the PlayStation Store. The full version of the title is available for purchase as well. There are lots of classic titles during the 80s and 90s that deserve remakes, do you have a particular game in mind that deserves to receive a similar treatment to MediEvil?