Mecha games aren't quite as common as one would expect. Sure, you have your Armored Cores and Super Robot Wars and even a licensed Mobile Suit Gundam game every now and again, but when compared to sword-and-sorcery epics or post-apocalyptic wastelands, their presence is basically nonexistent in the gaming market. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like that'll be changing anytime soon, as Dual Gear, one of the few upcoming mecha titles, has been delayed into 2018.
Dual Gear is an upcoming turn-based strategy title that burst onto the scene with a wildly successful indiegogo campaign in early 2016, intending for a 2017 release date. However, thanks to feedback given from the game's current closed Alpha build, the developer Orbital Speed Studio has decided that the game should be pushed back to sometime in 2018 to tweak and improve the game.
Despite the delay, Orbital Speed Studio will continue to show Dual Gear off to the public, starting with a showing at the Bitsummit indie festival in Kyoto from May 20th to May 21st. There is also still a demo available on the steam page if you want to try out some pre-alpha gameplay.
Dual Gear will release for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 sometime in 2018.