Marvelous Europe announced today that they are bringing Kenichiro Takaki's third-person brawler Uppers to PC and PS4 later this year. Originally released on the Vita in 2016, it was one of the few non-Senran Kagura games published by Marvelous and Honey Parade Games. Developed by indie studio Bullets, several fan translations have been proposed since its release, but none materialized. The English localization will see Uppers in full 1080p resolution at 60fps, with higher resolutions supported too. With the official translation on the horizon, fans of third-person beat-'em-ups would do well to check out Uppers when it comes to PC and PS4 this year.
Set on the idyllic Last Resort island, Uppers sets you against an entire island of brawl-starved bandits. You pick from one of thirteen different characters and punch, dropkick and uppercut your way to the top. Along the way, you're followed by a troupe of girls who cheer you on during battles. True to Takaki's style, you earn various power-ups and "rewards" from the girls. Your fans can also issue challenges that earn rewards, which can later be used in the gym to improve your abilities or store to create an outfit to your liking. In addition to the arcade mode, there's a story mode too, which follows just two of the brawlers as they seek to become the strongest fighter on the island.
Uppers had a rocky life from development to release. Just a few months before its launch in Japan, producer Kenichiro Takaki announced that Uppers was going to be "delayed indefinitely." The stated reason was due to lackluster pre-order numbers, which considering that it was a new IP, could have justified delaying the release. Uppers was eventually launched four months after the initially planned date and reviewed positively to boot. Now in its fully remastered glory, worldwide beat-'em-up fans can check out Uppers when it releases on PC and PS4 later this year.