Magic: The Gathering Arena Bug Accounts Unplayable Innistrad cover

Magic: The Gathering Arena Bug is Preventing Progress, Players Say

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Published: September 13, 2021 3:05 PM

Several players have reported that a pretty serious Magic: The Gathering Arena bug has been impeding their ability to progress in the game -- and it doesn't look like it's been fixed yet.

Magic: The Gathering Arena is gearing up for the launch of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt which promises to provide players with some pretty cool cards, building on the game's momentum from its mobile launch earlier this year. This will be the first of two new sets based on the Innistrad setting and players are getting ready to enjoy playing with these new cards. Unfortunately, a subset of players have found that they're effectively unable to progress in the game at all due to a pretty serious bug.

Magic: The Gathering Arena Bug Accounts Unplayable Innistrad slice.jpg
This player says he reached the Mythic rank, but a bug caused him to be reset to the Beginner Tier.

Why the Reported Magic: The Gathering Arena Bug is a Huge Problem

As this Reddit submission explains, the Magic: The Gathering Arena bug has two parts. The first part resets a player's rank to Beginner Tier when they reach Mythic rank. That's certainly an annoying inconvenience (especially when considering all of the work involved to make that rank). The bigger problem, however, is explained in the bug report: anyone who reaches Mythic during an event (such as a draft) will find themselves unable to progress in any events at all; the Reddit submission notes that your "wins and losses simply do not count."

Several players in the Reddit submission and the bug report on WOTC's site report that they have been affected by this bug. A subset of these players are particularly angry with the apparent lack of response from the game's developers, especially with the upcoming launch of the new Innistrad set.

For now, it looks like you're going to want to avoid progressing up to Mythic rank in the midst of an event until this issue gets sorted out. You can play Magic: The Gathering Arena for free on PC and mobile devices via its official website.

Has your account been affected by this Magic: The Gathering Arena bug? What's the worst bug you've encountered in the game to date? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Learn More About Magic: The Gathering Arena
Release Date
September 27, 2018 (Calendar)
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