Sort of a sequel, sort of spin-off in the world of Agony, Madmind Studio revealed their latest title, Succubus.
Believe it or not, you play as a Succubus from the original journey into Hell. It is the same succubus that you could actually play in a bonus mode within Agony.
Succubus’ plot follows the character as she goes after Nimrod - who you play as in Agony - the now ruler of Hell. Nimrod made the Succubus his queen, and she wants no part of it. Instead of a prosperous and luxurious life at Nimrod's side, she has instead opted to live her life in the “wilderness of Hell.”
Eventually, after running around, the Succubus meets Baphomet and his army. Baphomet is after Nimrod’s soul, as the now leader has settled all of Hell’s chaos. Also, the Succubus has been banned for her lifestyle choices, so she wants revenge on Nimrod herself.
The game’s main features:
- Intense and brutal action using weapons and pyrokinesis
- Diversified opponents
- Expandable skill tree
- A system of weapons and armor that affect a player's statistics
- A rich and diverse world of Hell
- A multi-story plot combining horror with action and survival
- A hostile environment full of traps and enemies
- Surreal visual setting and gore
Steam’s game page isn’t live as of this writing, but we can expect the game to be similar to Agony’s UNRATED edition. However, there is a gameplay trailer you can watch here, but it’s very NSFW.
Agony’s journey has been arduous, to say the least. Madmind Studio released the game to controversy earlier this year. First of all, Steam forced the team to cut NSFW content from the game. Then, they released the material in Agony UNRATED alongside announcing a Switch version.
Finally, an Agony lookalike, Unholy, is coming from the same publisher, PlayWay. Madmind was once listed as a publisher but had been removed thanks to Agony’s low review scores.