LudoNarraCon 2020 cover

LudoNarraCon 2020 Puts The Spotlight on Narrative Games in April 2020

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Published: February 6, 2020 12:30 PM

LudoNarraCon 2020 has been announced and it's going to be highlighting nearly two dozen narrative-focused games to Steam in April 2020.

Check out the LudoNarraCon 2020 trailer to get a taste for what's coming in this year's event:

If you're unfamiliar with LudoNarraCon, it's a virtual event that takes place on Steam. This global festival highlights games with a strong narrative focus, letting the storytellers have their day in the limelight.

In addition to behind-the-scenes streams, a sale and several game demos will also be made available so that you can experience some of these great games yourself — all from the comfort of your home.

LudoNarraCon 2020 Boyfriend Dungeon
Boyfriend Dungeon is one of the games being featured this year, a game where you date your weapons. No, really.

What Games Are Being Featured in LudoNarraCon 2020?

With this year's event announced, you might be wondering which games and developers will be participating. Here's the list of heavy hitters coming to this year's show:

Game Name Developer / Publisher
Boyfriend Dungeon Kitfox Games
Chinatown Detective Agency General Interactive Co.
Eliza Zachtronics
Genesis Noir Feral Cat Den / Fellow Traveller
Heaven's Vault inkle
Hypnospace Outlaw Tendershoot / No More Robots
In Other Waters Jump Over The Age / Fellow Traveller
Mutazione Die Gute Fabrik / Akapura Games
Neo Cab Chance Agency / Fellow Traveller
Not Tonight Panic Barn / No More Robots
Out There; Oceans of Time Mi-Clos Studio / Modern Wolf, Fractale
Paradise Killer Kaizen Game Works / Fellow Traveller
She Dreams Elsewhere Studio Zevere
Solace State Vivid Foundry
Sometimes Always Monsters Vagabond Dog / Developer Digital
Suzerain Torpor Games / Fellow Traveller
Tangle Tower SFB Games
Telling Lies Drowning a Mermaid Productions / Annapurna Interactive
The Church in the Darkness Paranoid Productions / Fellow Traveller
The Stillness of the Wind Lambic Studios / Fellow Traveller
Wayward Strand Ghost Pattern
Welcome to Elk Triple Topping
Yes, Your Grace Brave At Night / No More Robots

According to the associated press release, the lineup of this year's developers making a showing on the main stream (as well as which games will have demos available) will be revealed as we get closer to the launch date for this event.

You'll be able to check out LudaNarraCon 2020 on Steam from April 24–27, 2020.

What do you think of the LudaNarraCon 2020 lineup? Are there any games you hope to get to play? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N