Square Enix's Shinji Hashimoto has recently stated in an interview with Famitsu (translation here) that Square Enix won't be showing off either Kingdom Hearts 3 or Final Fantasy XV at E3 2014.
Instead, Hashimoto stated that Square Enix plans on detailing Final Fantasy XV at events later in the year. That could be at either Gamescom in August or the Toky Game Show in September. They could even save something for both events.
This may particularly anger many gamers, seeing as Final Fantasy XV was original announced as Final Fantasy Versus XIII eight years ago. That is an incredibly long time and, seeing as we saw some footage of the game last year, many will expect to see some this year at E3 2014. It may just be that Square Enix wants their announcement to go out alone and not have the chance for it to be overshadowed by something else. Who knows the reason, but for a game that has been in development for this long, the lack of information is not a good sign.
As for Kingdom Hearts 3, Hashimoto said that they are still working on the game and that information for it will be coming out slowly. That must mean that they don't have anything they are comfortable with showing off yet. This is not especially surprising - disappointing maybe. After the teaser last year it isn't reasonable to expect just a little more this year.
However, Square Enix recently helped our disappointment with the trailer for Kingdom Hearts II.5 HD Remix, which showed off some of the games as well as setting up the release date for December 2nd, 2014. It also at the end had a bit of a teaser for the Kingdom Hearts 3 storyline. So in a way Square Enix has teased the game out a little bit more, but didn't show any footage of it at all.