Kerbal Space Program Update 1.11 is bringing a much-requested feature to the game with "Eva Construction Mode," finally giving players the ability to repair their vehicles in the field.
If you haven't played Kerbal Space Program, you've missed out on a fun game about building spaceships. Well, that's the basic premise, anyway — the actual execution is much more challenging than you might expect. If you don't build things quite right, you'll have to helplessly watch your Kerbal astronauts explode into a million pieces.
The game has been out for more than five years, but the developers are still cranking out updates to add new features. Now, details of the next big patch have been revealed and they include something we've never really been able to do before without mods: fix our spacecraft without flying back to Kerbin.
Check out this new feature in action in the Kerbal Space Program Update 1.11 trailer below!
What's Coming in Kerbal Space Program Update 1.11?
The biggest change coming in Kerbal Space Program Update 1.11 is undeniably the EVA Construction Mode. Simply put, this allows your Kerbal astronauts to work on their spaceships in a similar way as you can while actually building the ship, but there are some caveats.
To start, an engineer can only adjust parts that are within their range. If your ship is traveling through space and you need to fix the engine, you're going to have to actually have your astronaut fly over to the engine. The game won't be paused, either, adding increased chances for hilarious disasters to take place. Furthermore, only certain parts will be able to be manipulated, owing to the limited strength of an astronaut. (After all, these little guys can't exactly pick up a 2-ton rocket engine on their own). The game will take things like zero gravity into account, though, so it may be best to make your repairs or adjustments before you land on a planet.
Aside from making changes to ships, engineers will also be able to make repairs using repair kits. These kits will have to be carried on the vehicle itself, but it also gives players the exciting option to send a critical supply job to Kerbals on another planet.
These aren't the only changes coming in the next patch, mind — the game's inventory is getting some new functionality and a new EVA Science Experiment Kit will let astronauts collect Science while out on an EVA. You can read about everything that's coming in the latest newsletter talking about Kerbal Space Program Update 1.11.
When is the Kerbal Space Program Update 1.11 Release Date?
Unfortunately, no Kerbal Space Program Update 1.11 release date has been announced just yet. Hopefully, players won't have to wait too long before they get to enjoy this cool new content.
For now, it's as good a time as any to get into the game if you're keen on heading out into the final frontier! You can buy Kerbal Space Program on Steam for 75% off as part of the Steam Autumn Sale along with the expansions that have been released thus far.
What do you think of the new features coming in Kerbal Space Program Update 1.11? What's your proudest accomplishment in the game thus far? Let us know in the comments below!