NIS America has released information about jobs in the upcoming title God Wars Future Past. The strategy RPG by Kadokawa Games will include a variety of jobs for players to choose between from a samurai to spiritualist. Jobs will affect character’s equipable items, stats, and available skills.
Each character will be able to have 3 jobs as a main, sub or unique position. Main and Sub jobs are divided into three different categories: physical combat, recovery support and offensive spellcasting. Each category includes a tree of beginner, intermediate and advanced jobs to unlock.
Learning new skills pertaining to your profession can be done with job points. Jobs will also have a level and the higher your job level, the higher types of jobs will become available to you. Battling enemies and clearing stages will increase your job points and job levels.
Main jobs will have a big impact on every character. Each job will determine what items are equipable, stat growth and distribution. Using job points you can learn and utilize skills pertaining to that particular job. Sub jobs will also open up a new set of skills that can be purchased with job points. Unique jobs cannot be changed but will give characters access to their own personal sets of upgradable skills.
The physical combat tree includes jobs like warrior, samurai, and hunter. Recovery jobs open up the professions of priests, monks, shinobi and more. Offensive spellcasting has jobs like magician, spiritualist, and elemental.
You can learn more about God Wars Future Past and all the jobs and skills that will be available on the official website. The strategy RPG had its release date pushed back in both Japan and the West. Now the game is expected for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in North America on June 20th and June 16th in Europe.