Jason Schreier Confirms KOTOR Remake is Being Done by Aspyr Media

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Published: April 21, 2021 9:49 AM

Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic, or KOTOR, is a beloved RPG from BioWare made back in 2003 when they knew what they were doing. Now it looks like a KOTOR remake is in the way from Aspyr for a new generation, as confirmed by Jason Schreier on the MinnMaxShow podcast.

"This is public at this point; I mean, I've basically confirmed that Aspyr--which is the company that has ported a bunch of KOTOR games--is working on [the remake]," Schreier said.

This is also been confirmed by Eurogamer, who have "separately heard of Aspyr's involvement", adding that they are working to bring "certain things into the current Star Wars canon". To elaborate, this means that Disney wants Aspyr the KOTOR remake to be created as a new version to fit with Disney's version of the Star Wars canon.

Aspyr Media has been known as a porting company for a long time, having been created 26 years ago in 1996. Since then they've ported games over to different platforms such as the original KOTORStar Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords, Star Wars Racer, the very recent Star Wars Republic CommandoBorderlands 2, Civilization VI Gathering Storm, and so on. There are a lot more games, but a lot of the higher-profile ones are Star Wars, which makes them an ideal candidate for doing the KOTOR remake.

This isn't the first time Aspyr has been leaked to KOTOR either. Jason Schreier himself hinted at it a few months ago. It was also discovered that Aspyr has over 20 current former BioWare employees at Aspyr as of 2 months ago, with many of them leaving Bioware back in 2019. This is interesting timing, as perhaps this means that's when they left BioWare to work on the KOTOR remake? I guess we'll have to see.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic Remake (KOTOR Remake)
LucasFilm Games
PC, PlayStation 5