The lovable duo, Jak and Daxter, are making a return to the Playstation platform as upgraded PS2 classics! Not long after we had a reveal of Crash Bandicoot within Uncharted 4 - Naughty Dog is bringing another set of Playstation Classics to the PlayStation 4 Platform. The dancing duo, seen below, will be making their way to your PlayStation 4 "later this year" and will be bringing the entire Precursor Legacy with them!
While the trailer above doesn't reveal much - it does show off Jak and Daxter's signature dance moves! Details from the Playstation blog give us some extra information about what's coming with the release of 4 games from the Jak and Daxter franchise:
- Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
- Jak II
- Jak 3
- Jak X: Combat Racing
[gallery type="slideshow" size="large" ids="141613,141618,141614,141616"]
Sony and Naughty Dog are promising more details about the upcoming release closer to launch, so we're sure to see more about what kind of graphical changes we'll be seeing on our PS4's very soon! However, the screenshots above should give you a good taste of what's to come!
What do you think of this news? Did you play any of the Jak and Daxter games when they first released on the Playstation 2? If so, share some of your favorite memories below!