The infamous massively multiplayer online shooter APB Reloaded is headed to next generation consoles. The developers at Reloaded Games, the team that took the place of Realtime Worlds, has hired on Workshop Entertainment and Deep Silver to bring the title to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Deep Silver announced on the official company blog that a development team will be working in junction with Workshop Entertainment to expand the multiplayer shooter to next generation console platforms. The game, once released, will require Xbox Live Gold membership for the Xbox One version but no subscription for the PlayStation 4. Deep Silver has listed the release date for the second quarter of this year. Those looking for a content overview of APB Reloaded can check out the official webpage.
If there is a game still relevant in the industry that has earned the title of "infamous" APB Reloaded can be considered overqualified. Realtime Worlds released the game back in late 2010 with the help of publisher EA. After months of beta sessions and patches the developer collapsed just a few months into release. Many mainstream gaming websites covered the story by speaking with insiders as to the steps that lead to the collapse but it was sheer amount of money that was invested in APB that was staggering. Insiders say that the company spent over a hundred million dollars during the development but that the influx of money significantly damaged the management staff. Following a sell-off of assets by a financial team after Realtime Worlds entered into administration, the English process of bankruptcy, Reloaded Games made significant changes to the game. APB: All Points Bulletin launched as APB Reloaded and was now to free-to-play. How well the console version will do in comparison to the contemporary PC edition will be know only after release as the developers will have to contend with a rather poor legacy within the industry.
What do you think of APB Reloaded coming to consoles? Would playing on consoles make a difference from the PC version?