Indy PopCon has announced the establishment of the Reboot Indie Game Awards (RIGA) to promote video game development and technology interests:
RIGA will provide competitive divisions for established game developers and students and will feature a $10,000 Grand Prize for Best in Show Video Game featured at PopCon 2015. The inaugural RIGA event will be held June 26 – 28, 2015 in the Indiana Convention Center.The popular culture and comic convention features celebrities, artists, and media personalities from across the world. Supporting independent developers and collaborative efforts to foster pop culture, Indy PopCon is a place for both the up and coming and veteran to network and grow their brand.
Independent game developers and children under the age of 18 are eligible to compete in two divisions — Indie Dev and Student. In both divisions, participants will display their games or game concepts to attendees and fans at the Indy PopCon convention. Judges from professional media outlets and successful game development firms will weigh the qualities of each presented game or game concept, and select a winner among the field of candidates.The convention is banking on the video game industry's $100 billion yearly take in to help establish Indianapolis as a leading center for technology and game development in the Midwest. The RIGAs are meant prove to the outside world that Indianapolis is serious about this endeavor. Its partnerships certainly confirm this intent with PopCon LLC, Plow Digital/Plow Games (a local developer) and Video Game Palooza, a non-profit organization that promotes Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) efforts through video games and video game technology. With the $10k grand prize, they are also putting their money where their mouth is.
Full details and contact information are in the full news release.
This is great news for students looking to get involved in video games and independent developers hoping to get their brand out there and judged by professionals.
So what are your thoughts? What does this say about game development in general? Do you think that Indy PopCon's announcement is the best means to put Indianapolis on the map? Sound off below in the comments section.