Yesterday a bunch of Sierra (and some other Activision) classics got rereleased onto Steam. Today we know why, as the Humble Sierra Bundle offers 4 tiers of 35 games.
The first tier is available for $1 or above and includes three collections and a stand alone recent game. First up you'd get the Space Quest Collection, which includes 6 classic point and click Space Quest games. Next up is Phantasmagoria 1-2, which includes the original Phantasmagoria and its sequel Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh. Both games are horror point and click games with some of the first use of FMV in gaming. The third game is Police Quest Collection, a collection of all four Police Quest games, another group of point and click adventure games with a focus on police life. Finally, you'll also get Shiftlings, a recent puzzle game where you control two characters and must alter their weight to get around puzzles.

The second tier is the beat the average tier, currently set to $8.80, and has two more games and two more bundles. The first game is Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, a classic RPG that sees fantasy creatures tossed into a more modern steampunk world that was developed by Troika games. The next game is TimeShift, a first-person shooter where you can rewind, slow down, and stop time to help you as you try to fix a timeline you broke. Next up is Quest for Glory 1-5, which includes all five Quest for Glory games. These adventure/RPG hybrids were one of the first games to feature a character import system to bring your character between games. Finally you'll get Gabriel Knight 1-3 which includes Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery, and Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned. All three games are urban fantasy and have you solving various mysteries.
The third tier is set to a flat price of $15 and includes two more stand-alone games and two more bundles. First up is a bundle of Caesar III and Caesar IV, a pair of city building games where you'll recreate the Roman Empire. Next is Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved, the latest entry in the twin-stick shooter series that also includes a massive free update. The second bundle is The King's Quest Collection, a collection of all 7 classic King's Quest games. Finally, this tier also nabs you Velocity 2x, a top-down SHMUP that adds in on-foot twin stick shooter segments. You can read our review of it here.

The final tier is set to $20 and only includes a single game, this being King's Quest: The Complete Collection. This all-new episodic adventure game is a modern reboot of the series, and this will get you the season pass for all five episodes (only 3 are out right now) plus a special epilogue episode. You can read our review of the latest episode here.
If Sierra games aren't your thing, or you're looking for a console-focused bundle, the Humble Capcom PlayStation Bundle from last week is still going, although no new games have been added to it. The Humble Sierra Bundle will go on for two more weeks, while the Humble Capcom PlayStation Bundle has one more week left.
How do you feel about this Humble Bundle? Ever wanted to try out classic Sierra games? More excited for the more recent stuff? Were you hoping for another console bundle? Let us know in the comments!