It is never a good sign when a game in development gets moved to different development studios before release. The disappointing Duke Nukem Forever is a good example of a game that got itself into development hell, and unfortunately Homefront: The Revolution also got dug into a similar hole it couldn't get out of for the longest time due to the IP also switching owners from when THQ sold the rights of the franchise to Crytek after THQ filed for bankruptcy in 2012. Crytek would later sell the rights to Deep Silver, and close down Crytek UK which Deep Silver would basically resurrect as Dambuster Studios who would go on to finish their project under the third IP holder during the development cycle. Now that the game is finally out, it has been met with widespread criticism from the press and the consumer alike. The end credits of the game also acknowledge the difficult path to completion the game was. One of the biggest complaints levied against the open-world first-person shooter is that the performance is sub-par, with critics noting that the PC version suffers from unacceptable performance difficulties as a result of an unoptimized engine and the rather bland and uninspired gameplay in addition to bad design. While the gameplay and design are something that can't be easily fixed now the game has seen the light of retail, developer Dambuster Studios has officially responded to the backlash on the game's performance in a Facebook post.
We're also aware that performance ‐ particularly frame rate ‐ is not currently where we want it to be, and we are working on additional patches to help address these issues and more. Patch notes per platform will be available on the community forums and on Steam when they go live.
As a way of placating the angry masses, the developer is making the first free content update originally planned for some time after Homefront: The Revolution release available to anyone right now.
All 8 individual pieces of the two new Punk and Anarchist outfits, plus the Punk and Anarchist full body clothing, can be found in your character's Gear and Clothing menu for players to customize their Fighters with. On top of that, two bonus Hail Mary boosters in your Consumables inventory offer a free instant revive to help you on your way to completing Missions on the hardest difficulty.
In addition to this, Dambuster Studios are working on releasing 3 additional "polished" missions for the Homefront: The Revolution's Resistance Mode by the end of June and promises more free missions will be added to the game after that.
Homefront: The Revolution is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. You can read our review of the game here.