HTC Vive

Here's What You Get When You Buy The HTC Vive

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Published: March 29, 2016 8:20 AM

The most expensive VR kit announced thus far has to be the HTC Vive, the headset that was the result of a collaboration between smartphone and tablet manufacturer HTC and Half Life developer and Steam owner Valve. Let's see what you get when you order the 799 dollar kit, shall we?


HTC Vive box

Due to this headset needing an entire room to get the full experience, there are a ton of other items packed into the box to set up a designated room in your house to make it VR-ready.  Here's the full list: 

  • A – Base station x 2
  • B – Sync cable
  • C – Base station power adapter x2
  • D – Mounting kit
  • E – Link box
  • F – Link box mounting pad
  • G – Link box power adapter
  • H – HDMI cable
  • I – USB cable
  • J – Earbuds
  • K – Alternate face cushion (narrow)
  • L – Cleaning cloth
  • M – Documentation
  • N – Headset with 3-in-1 cable and audio cable
  • O – Controller (with lanyard) x 2
  • P – Micro USB charger x 2

The amount of stuff in the box suggests that this is going to be as far removed from a plug-n-play device as you can get, with a ton of stuff that needs to be hooked up and configured before you can jump in to the VR-experience of your choice. Space seems to be the most valued commodity when purchasing the HTC Vive, so I suggest making sure you've got more than enough room for all the bells and whistles that come with the headset. 

You'll also be getting 3 pieces of software with the Vive. The first is Tilt Brush, a VR paint app that lets you draw in a 3D space. The second one is Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives which is a comedic game where you take on several different jobs. Lastly, you get Fantastic Contraption which is a building and physics sandbox. 

If you preordered the HTC Vive, you can expect your unit to arrive around the 5th of April, so you at least have a few more days to read up on the technicalities before the package falls on your doorstep! 

HTC and Valve's major competitor Oculus Rift officially released yesterday and orders are slowly getting filled. If you want to get a feel of what VR can actually do, you can watch Giant Bomb's launch stream where they play around with the Rift for a couple of hours. It's not fully reflective of what the HTC Vive can do because it's not room-wide, but it's nice to get at least an idea of what you can expect!


Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.