This is probably one of the most anticipated and delayed updates in the history of the franchise, but looks like the wait is coming to an end. In a post on the official site, Rockstar Games confirmed that the online heists for GTA Online will come out in the first update following the release of the remastered version of the game on the next-gen consoles. Needless to say, the update will hit the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions as well.
Online heists is one of those features that captured the imagination of the players. It's been a while since they've been announced and many fans started to wonder why. Today, even if we don't have an exact ETA, we know they're gonna happen and they're gonna happen soon. It's still something. This update promises to be rich in content with both the online heists and the reveal of a first person view mode on the line.
Rockstar also released an infographic named "GTA Online Census: The Story So Far" detailing many stats of the past year in Libert City. Those numbers are really astounding, showing the passion and the dedication that, even one year after the launch, many gamers put in this game. It surely creates a good perspective about the next-gen launch and in anticipation of the launch on PC next year.
Because, as Rockstar itself states in its post, it's the gamers that made GTA V what it is. By their words:
As we gear up to usher an entire new population into Los Santos and Blaine County with the release of Grand Theft Auto V on the PS4 and Xbox One next week – we just wanted to say thank you to the awesome and dedicated players that have made GTA Online such a nonstop thrill over the past year on PS3 and Xbox 360 so far. We may have provided the world and the tools, but it’s really you players who have made the Online world as amazing as it has become.GTA V is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One the next 18 November and for PC the 27 January of next year. We have still no word about a possible release date of the update.