
Hearthstone Receives 'Galakrond’s Awakening' Solo Campaign Later this Month

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Published: January 13, 2020 2:30 PM

Blizzard Entertainment’s free-to-play digital card game, Hearthstone, received its Descent of Dragons expansion on December 10th, 2019. The studio finally revealed the release date of its solo content portion, the Galakrond’s Awakening. The latter closes out the Year of the Dragon's roadmap with a new campaign, split across two storylines. The first storyline puts you in the shoes of the League of E.V.I.L. to fulfill Archvillain Rafaam’s plot to resurrect Galakrond. On the other hand, the second campaign appoints you as the leader of the League of Explorers, battling the forces of evil.

Once players complete both campaigns, they unlock Heroic mode. This allows players to re-embark on the same journey, against a tougher AI and armed with their own decks this time around. President of Blizzard Entertainment, J. Allen Brack, gave his opinion on how the Year of the Dragon went for the studio and the impact of the new cards on the Hearthstone meta. 

The Year of the Dragon has been a dynamic and exciting one for Hearthstone, with a series of meta-shifting expansions, an ambitious year-long story, and a rapid cadence of new features and updates that have fundamentally evolved the game. Galakrond’s Awakening will bring the story we’ve been telling in the game all year to an epic and fitting conclusion, and we can’t wait to share it with everyone

The Hearthstone: Galakrond’s Awakening solo campaign will roll out on January 21st. Every week, the title will receive two chapters, one from each of the two aforementioned campaigns, for a total of four weeks. All Hearthstone players can experience the League of E.V.I.L.’s chapter for free. However, if you want the full experience, individual Installments will be available for $6.99 or 700 in-game gold, or as a complete bundle for $19.99 USD. As usual, completing it will reward you with four new cards.

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