Halo Infinite Mark System cover

Halo Infinite 'Mark System' is Coming to Multiplayer

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Published: July 14, 2021 2:37 PM

A new Halo Infinite "Mark System" will be debuting with Halo Infinite multiplayer, allowing you to highlight enemies and weapons in a fashion similar to the Apex Legends Ping System.

Halo Infinite is expected to launch later this year and 343 Industries has been gradually sharing more details about what players can expect to see in the game. One of the more interesting new features, however, is a Halo Infinite ping system that was quietly revealed as part of an Employee Spotlight on 343's website.

Halo Infinite Mark System slice

How Does the Halo Infinite Mark System Work?

The Halo Infinite Mark System works pretty much like the Apex Legends Ping System — players will be able to point out points of interest or other players to their teammates.

"My team also gets to work on awesome MP systems like Weapon Spawners, [voice-over] messaging systems such as the Classic Halo Announcer and new Personal AI, and the Mark System, which is a feature where players can mark a spot in the world that lets their teammates know vital information, like an enemy position or weapon location," explained Lead Multiplayer Designer Andrew Witts in an Employee Spotlight on 343 Industries' website.

Multiplayer games have had pinging systems similar to this for years. There has been an upswing in popularity, however, with the 2019 debut of Apex Legends — the ability to mark locations, items, and enemy players proved to be a valuable addition to multiplayer gameplay.

Witts also revealed that Weapon Racks will represent item spawn locations in Halo Infinite multiplayer as a homage to the Halo 2 announcement trailer where Master Chief grabs a gun out of the wall. For now, you can learn more about Halo Infinite on the Xbox website.

What do you think of the Halo Infinite Mark System? Do you think more multiplayer games should have a ping system similar to what's coming to Halo Infinite multiplayer? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Halo Infinite
Game Page Halo Infinite
343 Industries
Microsoft Studios
Release Date
December 8, 2021 (Calendar)
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