In a news post on the Gung Ho website, the publisher reveals that more information about the upcoming Grandia HD Collection will come during E3. Additionally, the PC versions will release the same day as the Switch collection. The PC version will see Grandia HD Remaster, as well as Grandia II Anniversary Edition renamed to Grandia II HD Remaster. There's no word yet on a release window for the collection, but considering our original announcement pegged the Grandia HD Collection for a late 2018 release, we should hopefully see it soon.
Based on the already existing visuals of Grandia II Anniversary Edition, we should expect to see similar changes for Grandia HD Remaster. Updated visuals, as well as improved UI, are some of the most obvious changes, as well as the same changes coming to the cutscenes. PC owners of Grandia HD Remaster get some additional features like remappable controls for gamepad and keyboard, widescreen and different resolution support, and Steam achievements and trading cards. The original Japanese and English translations are included too, as well as French and German for our friends across the Atlantic.
Grandia II as part of the Grandia HD Collection on Switch will be a direct port, though obviously without any of the PC-specific features. While the original Grandia releases were well-received, the later ports, especially for Grandia II, leave much to be desired. Thankfully, many of these issues were fixed in the aforementioned Anniversary Edition. While some may question why the later Grandia III isn't also coming as part of this collection, the lukewarm reception for the story and characters mean an HD remaster would do little to solve the underlying issues it has. Still, there's hope that renewed interest in the Grandia HD Collection might drive support for a Grandia IV. We'll get to see more footage of Grandia HD Collection soon during E3.