
Grounded Demo To Be Available This June on Steam and Xbox One

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Published: May 21, 2020 2:20 PM

Earlier in one of April's Inside Xbox presentations, we got to see our first glimpse of Obsidian Entertainment's Grounded. The title falls within the survival genre, but with its own twist. Imagine yourself in the size of an ant, just roaming around in your backyard, trying your best to survive the dangers all around you. Luckily, the latest Xbox Wire blog post revealed players will get to play a demo of the title's single-player campaign.

Starting from June 9th and extending through June 14th, Grounded will become available for Xbox Insiders in the Xbox Insider Hub. Not only that, the developer revealed they are taking part in Steam's Game Festival kicking off during the same time period mentioned prior. Updates on the availability of the title through both services will be announced through Grounded's Twitter page.

If you are not registered in the Xbox Insider program, make sure to check the registration page. Microsoft accepts people on a first-come-first-serve
basis due to the limited number of slots available. As for Steam's Game Festival, the demo will become available on the game's page directly, and you all need to access is an active Steam account.

In other news, Grounded features a considerable amount of insects and bugs throughout its world, and the studio had to take into consideration those suffering from Arachnophobia. The development team implemented an "Arachnophobia Mode," however, they haven't yet shared what exactly it will eliminate or modify in the game's enemies' appearance to make it playable for those suffering from the condition. Grounded is due for its full release on 28th July for PC and Xbox One.

What do you think of Obsidian Entertainment's unique title? Are you going to give it a shot once its demo becomes available? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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