
Goliath Update: Patches and DLC

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Published: May 20, 2016 6:33 PM

On May 19th, Jeremy Zoss (JZossMPLS on Steam), the marketing manager for the game Goliath by Whalebox Studio, released an update detailing 3 major updates coming to the game in the coming weeks.

For those who aren't familiar with Goliath, it's a new game by Whalebox Studios. Goliath is an open world game where you build a mech suit to help survive against the elements and fight off monsters who are much, much larger than you.

The first update has been detailed in this Steam Post, and will be released within the next week. This update will focus on fixing many broken quests, and tweaking the user interface, as well as optimizing performance. The major quests that have been fixed include Full-Scale Cleaning, Dead Forest, and Quality Assurance. In addition, "hot keys" have been added, and the minimap will now always point north, instead of turning with the camera. 

The second update will be similar to the last, coming in early June. It will likely be a very similar update to the previous one, based off how the community reacts to the previous update.

The final update to come, with no release date is the announcement for the first Goliath Downloadable Content Expansion pack. Considering that they are calling this an "Expansion" and not just DLC, it's likely to be a very large update.

"This expansion will include new features, new areas, new quests, and of course new Goliaths!"

No other details were given but it does seem to be quite large and it has been confirmed that this expansion will be completely free. Jeremy ended his update by thanking the fanbase for their support but also asking them to continue posting on the Steam forums to make sure the game gets noticed on Steam.

Goliath launched last week on May 12th and has received fairly positive reviews on Steam. Goliath already has a substantial amount of content and an expansion so soon after launch will almost certainly keep the player base entertained until their next major update.

What do you think of Goliath so far? Are you excited for the expansion that's coming up? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

| Former Staff Writer

 I've been playing games my whole life, mostly Nintendo and Playstation. My all time favorite game series are Pokemon, Infamous, Golden Sun and Persona