GOG Shares They Had a Fantastic 2020 Financially

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Published: April 27, 2021 11:37 AM

GOG has released their 2020 results to the world, and what's in there is pretty interesting. To start, the GOG team has worked from home for over a year now, so this makes what they've done all the more impressive. In terms of audience growth over the previous year (2019) there was +208% monthly active users of all GOG services, +392% new user registrations, and +805% monthly active users for GOG Galaxy. Not too shabby.

GOG Audience Growth

Piotr Nielubowicz, the CFO of CDP, had this to say about 2020 in an investor call last week:

Last year, GOG also had a great performance - with over 340 million PLN total sales. A big part of GOG sales was achieved in Q4 last year and is attributable to the release of Cyberpunk - on top of the growth of the base GOG business.

Later on he would say:

Honestly, I don’t recall what the GOG share was upon release of The Witcher 3. It’s really hard to compare –my intuition says that GOG was even stronger this time, but that’s based only on my intuition as I don’t have hard data in hand. As far as Cyberpunk is concerned, GOG accounted for 9.6% of total PC sales –so that’s nearly 10% of the total volume of PC purchases in 2020.

This ties into their financial results, which is +114% over 2019. In terms of revenue, zł343,748 was made over zł162,256 in 2019. Basically, net profit after taxation for GOG in 2020 was zł20 655 - the zł343,748 number was revenue made in sales and before costs. 2019 had zł2983 net profit in total.

Market split had 34% of store game sales in North America, 49% in Europe, 6% in Asia, 4% in Australia and New Zealand, and 7% for the rest of the world. There were 483 games released in 2020 over 378 in 2019 and 296 in 2018, and there are now 4,700 products available on GOG.com. 400,000 community wishlists have been completed by releasing new games, including some of my wishlisted titles such as Diablo 1 and Warcraft 2 (although not in 2020), which I honestly thought would never happen. 

Games Released in 2020

73% of GOG's users are between 18 and 34 years old, and most prefer playing single-player, role-playing, and story-driven games. Bestselling game genres are RPG at 36%, Strategy at 22%, Action at 21%, Adventure at 11%, and Other titles at 10%. Over 28 million free games and goodies have also been claimed by GOG users, which is nice, because who doesn't like free stuff?

Last but not least is customer support, where customers report 93% customer satisfaction rate. There's also a 1.39% refund rate and over 244,800 resolved support tickets.

If you would like to check out the facts yourself, be sure to go here.

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick