
GOG Is Now Offering Refunds For Armello

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Published: September 8, 2016 5:30 PM

Recently, there has been some controversy on Armello, which was explored in great detail in TechRaptor's article. However, to summarize, the developers of Armello, League of Geeks, released DLC for their title that is only available on Steam. Later, Trent Kuster, the Director and Founder of League of Geeks announced that GOG users would not receive any paid DLC. As expected, the response to this was resoundingly negative, with users coming out in droves to state their dissatisfaction with their product.

In accordance to this, GOG has issued a statement:

Due to changes to the version of Armello and the fact that some online functionalities and future content for the game will not be available on, we want to make sure all prior owners have a choice. If you feel that the current version of Armello is not something you wished for back when you bought the game - please contact our support team for a refund.

Later the same day, Trent Kuster posted a message on the Steam forums, explaining why there would be no paid DLC for GOG's version of Armello:

Just because another studio or game has DLC on DRM Free, doesn't mean it's immediately a possibility for us or Armello. Assuming as much is incredibly naive. Every team's processes, resources, and games are innumerably different. Almost every single piece of conjecture about ways we could have or should roll out our DLC on DRM Free have either been wildly off course or avenues we've already investigated. 

Quick Take:

This is an ugly situation that makes everyone look bad. League of Geeks looks bad for stiffing GOG owners of DLC that they should receive, and GOG looks bad for offering a substandard product. While the GOG version of Armello will still receive patches going into 2017, there is no real point to do so when "some online functionalities and future content" will not be available with GOG's version. 

What do you think of this whole situation? Let us know in the comments!

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick