GOG.com, one of the most famous digital retailers for PC games, is running one of its weekend sales with games up to 75% off. What makes it different this time, is that the 30 games on sale have been handpicked by TotalBiscuit. Love him or hate him, the Cynical Brit is one of the most popular videogame critics out there and he choose 30 of his favourites titles to put up on sale for the weekend ( even if one would have expected 60 from Mr. Bain ).
Here's him explaining his choices:
Let's look at the list of the games on sale (the links point to TechRaptor's reviews of those games):
- Dustforce (75% Off)
- Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition (69% Off)
- Nexus: The Jupiter Incident (75% Off)
- Unmechanical (75% Off)
- King's Bounty Franchise (75% Off)
- Perimeter (69% Off)
- Giana Sisters + DLC (76% Off)
- Luftrausers (74% Off)
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (69% Off)
- Risk of Rain (75% Off)
- Mount and Blade: Warband (69% Off)
- Act of War: Gold (50% Off)
- Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (66%)
- Master of Magic (65% Off)
- Psychonauts (75% Off)
- Wasteland 2 (50%)
- Age of Wonders 3 + DLC (65% Off for the base game, 33% Off the DLCs)
- Age of Wonders Shadow Magic (66% Off)
- Volgarr the Viking (74% Off)
- Caesar 3 (69% Off)
- The Longest Journey (59% Off)
- Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (60% Off)
- Don't Starve + DLC (65% Off)
- Pillars of Eternity (33% Off on both editions)
The sale will end on Tuesday July 21 at 4:59 AM GMT.
Quick Take
Personal tastes aside, it's hard to complain about TotalBiscuit's picks. In a way or another, the games he choose are a wonderful specimen of their genre.As a personal addendum, I wholeheartedly reccommend you pick up The Longest Journey (which is not Dreamfall 1 -frowns at TB-), Psychonauts, Duke Nukem 3D, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat and Mount and Blade: Warband. The other games are wonderful too ( I heard 4X enthusiasts call Age of Wonders 3 one of the best instances of turn based strategy ), but the ones I mentioned are the ones I would reccommend to anyone is only tangentially interested in that kind of genre ( based on my personal tastes of course ).
What you think of this sale? Do you trust TotalBiscuit's picks? What would have you picked instead? Let us know in the comments.