god eater 3 release date

God Eater 3 Comes West Early February in English and Japanese

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Published: October 29, 2018 10:59 PM

Bandai Namco announced that the otherworldly monster-slaying God Eater 3 is coming to the West on February 8th, 2019. The release will also come with both Japanese and English audio marking the first dual-audio release for the God Eater series, and give you the option of killing the Aragami in whatever language you choose. God Eater 3 will also afford players the chance to play with seven of their friends at once in a series of "Assault Missions." God Eater 3 is set to release in Japan on December 13th, 2018 and in the West on February 8th, 2019 for PC and PS4.


Set in a dangerous future, the God Eater series sees humanity pushed to the brink of extinction as they fight against towering monsters. Though initially seeming like a post-apocalyptic clone of Monster HunterGod Eater's appeal has much to do with its setting and aesthetic. So far, you've commanded a squad of young adults controlling terrifying bioweapons as you duel ferocious abominations in ruined landscapes. If the above trailer is anything to go by, we might see some human-on-human conflict, as well as some internal strife in Fenrir Headquarters.

News of the localization comes just over a year after God Eater 3 was initially announced. Though Bandai Namco wasn't able to simultaneously release God Eater 3 like it wanted, it's going to have to now compete with many other games in the front-loaded 2019 release calendar. January alone sees the release of Ace Combat 7, Kingdom Hearts III, and the Resident Evil 2 remake. February is just as loaded, packing in Dead or Alive 6Jump ForceAnthem, Metro Exodus, and CrackdownGod Eater 3 does get out of the gate earlier than its competitors but with so many rivals clamoring for attention in only the first two months of the year, Bandai Namco hoping it will stand out.

We'll see just how well humanity fares when God Eater 3 releases on February 8th, 2019.

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Kyle Johnson
| Japanese Gaming Specialist

Professional painter. Semi-professional weeb. I've played hundreds of games, but finished very few. I speak Chinese and Minnesotan.