Quick, what do you think will be the result of Brexit? Does your answer happen to include zombies? That's what Ghoul Britannia: Land of Hope and Gorey seems to think the answer is, and you'll get to see why soon.
Ghoul Britannia takes place in a post-Brexit Britain. After a labor shortage thanks to leaving the European Union, the Brexiteer government decides that they need a new workforce. Who makes up that workforce? Why, the living dead of course. Calling them Extended Labour Units, or ELU for short, the Prime Minister promise that they'll "make Britain Great Britain again." However, when the device to control the zombies fails, they go wild and destroy Britain. This, of course, was the only expected outcome of such a program.
You'll play as Hope Andrews, a woman traveling to London in an effort to reunite with her family. Along the way, she meets Dave Gorey, a former politician and current zombie. One of the few that seems to have his mind intact even. The two will have to team up if they want to survive. Or, in Dave's case, avoid not surviving the second time. As for how it plays, Ghoul Britannia will be a point-and-click adventure game. The game combines 2D backgrounds with 3D character models to try and give it a unique look. It's developed by Binary Space, who has made the flash game Class 3 Outbreak and its mobile follow-up Zombie Outbreak Simulator. It seems Ghoul Britannia will put more effort into humanizing the zombies rather than blowing them up.
Ghoul Britannia: Land of Hope and Gorey will be entering Early Access on PC on October 9th for the price of $14.99. A final release is planned in early 2020.
Are you interested in Ghoul Britannia: Land of Hope and Gorey? Going to grab the game when it comes out? Worried you may be in the middle of a zombie invasion? Let us know in the comments below!