Today, during Microsoft's Developer Direct livestream, the house of Xbox and Tango Gameworks revealed the rhythm action game Hi-Fi Rush.
The biggest surprise (besides the fact that the game's presence at the stream was not announced before) is that Hi-Fi Rush releases today for Xbox Series X|S and PC, including Game Pass.
The player steps into the role of a young wannabe rockstar named Chai who gets his heart fused by mistake with a music player by an evil corporation... because evil corporations obviously do that all the time.
The announcement was accompanied by a trailer, which you can watch below.
All actions, including attack and defense, are synced to the music, and feeling the beat will enhance the effectiveness of your moves. Incidentally, the game comes with a wide-ranging soundtrack of original and licensed songs to bang your head at, but a Streamer Mode will get rid of the licensed ones, so that you won't get a ton of copyright strikes if you decide to upload gameplay.
If you want something more, a Deluxe Edition is also available, including the following:
- Two Chai outfits
- Seven bonus Chai t-shirts
- 808-Themed Guitar Skin
- 808 Alternate Skin
- 20,000 Gears for unlocking combat skills and other upgrades.
In case you're wondering, "Gears" is an in-game currency, and Microsoft mentions that they are "obtained through combat and exploration in-game and not available as a purchasable currency."
The outfits include hairstyle, scarf, jacket, trousers, and shoes that can be mixed and matched at your leisure. The Deluxe Edition is also available as an upgrade, in case you already have the game and want to get th
Tango Gameworks is a well-known development studio based in Tokyo, Japan, founded by Resident Evil director Shinji Mikami. The studio recently released Ghostwire Tokyo, and they're also known for The Evil Within and its sequel.