Some enterprising chap on NeoGaf found that the release date of Ghosts of Tsushima has been changed on the PlayStation Canada website from June 26 to August 1, 2020.
Going on the website myself, the alteration is still there, just hanging out in public as bold as brass. There was also speculation that perhaps this means that The Last of Us 2 would be moving to that release date, which makes sense considering how it's all but complete. COVID-19 has really shuffled everything around recently, so who knows. Parts of the PlayStation Canada page even still say June 26, as it is inconsistent.
Interestingly, August 1 is on a Saturday, which is a date that will definitely not be staying put. Publishers prefer to release games on Tuesdays, so following that logic the nearest Tuesday would be August 4, 2020. Or maybe it could be coming out on a Saturday because why not? Who knows, these days.
Quick Take:
So, Ghost of Tsushima is coming to the PlayStation 4 on June 26 apparently, but it may also be in August. Regardless, it's coming out soon. You should really check out the amazing story trailer and see what's all about. It's really making it hard for me to wait for the PS5 so I can play PS4 games then rather than now. Oh well, if I can wait six years to play the PS4, I can wait out the rest of the seventh. Why wait so long? Because even in February 2013 I wasn't very impressed with how underpowered the PS4 was. This upcoming generation seems to be turning out nicely, so I'm definitely more interested in purchasing a PS5 (with its potential backwards compatibility) then a PS4 which was so weak us PC gamers were mocking it the day of its announcement.
What do you think of this news? Are you going to be buying Ghost of Tsushima? Are you going to wait for the PS5 like I am? Let us know in the comments!