
Get Ready for Extra Life’s National Game Day

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Published: October 17, 2014 9:45 PM

With all of the negativity being lumped onto gamers these days why not point out one of the really positive events gamers contribute to? Check out Extra Life, the gaming charity for kids.

Extra life is a charity that was created to honor a young lady named Victoria Enmon. Victoria suffered from acute lymphoblastic leukemia but always strove to make all of the kids in her hospital feel better. She eventually teamed up with Sarcastic Gamer to provide entertaining games to the children in her hospital and soon other hospitals as well.

Tragically Victoria passed away in 2008 but her legacy is continued through Extra Life. All the proceeds from Extra Life go directly to Children’s Miracle Network hospitals to provide care and to brighten the spirits of all the children suffering from illnesses.

So how does Extra Life work?

Anyone who is interested can sign up as an individual or as a team and then go out and fundraise.  After that you are encouraged to take part on official game day and to play video games for 24 hours. Some people stream live, some people play on their own, some play video games and some play boardgames; anything goes!

Those who can’t take part that day or who can’t play for that long can fundraise at any time and complete their pledge at their own pace; the important part is raising money for kids!

Extra Life

Tech Raptor will not be taking part this year but stay on the look out for our fundraising and gaming binge next year!

So now I’ll open it up to the readers: Are you taking part in Extra Life? If you’ve got a stream please share it here!

Tanis Pallagi TechRaptor
| Former Writer

I've been playing games since the Apple ][ Days. I have a special place in my heart for quirky Japanese games but you'll see me playing anything and… More about Tanis