Genshin Impact has become a dominant force in entertainment since its launch late last month. In its first week alone, the Chinese gacha title amassed millions of dollars, and it's reaching even bigger heights, now.
Daniel Ahmad, a video game analyst, reported a few new statistics about Genshin Impact on Twitter. The success of the game is huge, and so far has reached over 100 million dollars in revenue. Ahmad says this is "without a doubt the most successful launch for an original IP from a Chinese dev." For Genshin Impact developer MiHoYo, these are numbers that are astronomical even outside of China.
The gacha game's popularity is soaring in several countries. Besides Genshin Impact's native country of China, Japan and Korea are two other markets that the game has thrived in. The United States is also considered a "top market" for the game, as well. The audience is undeniable—the subreddit for Genshin Impact, for instance, has nearly 300-thousand followers and has incredible growth since its launch. That said, not all of this comes without controversy, as it was discoverd earlier this week that Genshin Impact censors certain words that the Chinese Communist Party may find offnsive in all regions, including Taiwan and Hong Kong.
For those unaware, Genshin Impact is a free-to-play adventure title by Chinese developer MiHoYo. Players take control of various characters gained through the story and by "rolling" for characters with currency. Characters have elemental affinities and different weapons, which are used to combo together attacks and cause reactions for extra damage. The world itself is very large and can be thoroughly explored. Genshin Impact also has a storyline players can follow as they progress.
This hit title's success should only continue ahead of Patch 1.1's launch, which will include a new event, and new characters as well. Check out the full roadmap on TechRaptor here. Meanwhile, we'll continue to monitor the massive success of MiHoYo's latest title.
Are you playing Genshin Impact? What are your thoughts on the game's success?