
Gamestop Shuts Down All Stores in California; Retracting Their Earlier Statement

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Published: March 20, 2020 4:26 PM

Just a couple of days ago, Gamestop employees received a memo from their management describing the retailer's line of shops around the United States as "essential business." This statement comes at a time of distress and uncertainty of what the future holds, putting people in danger of contracting the pandemic currently plaguing the world, COVID-19. Understandably, it sparked an outrage of the retailer belittling the risk they are putting their own workers at for just being there in the store and staying open for consumers.

Due to the products we carry that enable and enhance our customers’ experience in working from home, we believe GameStop is classified as essential retail and therefore is able to remain open during this time.

Recently, Gamestop was forced to shut down all their stores in California as part of the state's Governor Office's lockdown decision. The stores will stay shut until further notice. 

We are closing our stores in California. The closure will remain in effect until further notice as we obtain more information from the California Governor’s Office.

However, it doesn't stop here, as Kotaku reports employees were told to use their personal time or directly file for unemployment. This means employees need to use any sick days or vacation days to stay employed, and those without them must file for unemployment. All those related to any Gamestop branch in California won't receive any pay as long as the stores are closed.

What do you think of Gamestop's handling of the situation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. We kindly urge everyone to stay safe and self-quarantine till this tough period passes by.

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