call of duty modern warfare 2v2

Gamescom ONL - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Gunfight Alpha This Week

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Published: August 19, 2019 5:01 PM

The upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2v2 Gunfight mode has an alpha this Friday, exclusively on PlayStation 4. Infinity Ward producer, Dino Verano, announced at the Gamescom Opening Live show, the alpha is on August 23. Despite the PlayStation 4 exclusivity, the alpha will be playable worldwide for free. It won't require pre-ordering the game or PlayStation Plus either.

The alpha weekend for the Gunfight mode will include five different maps for fans to try out. The maps included are: Stack, King, Speedball, Docks, Pine.

"It is a reimagining of the Modern Warfare franchise. So it's still Modern Warfare through and through, complete with some familiar characters as well," Verano spoke directly about the reboot. "But the overall narrative and the single-player storyline are completely new and fresh and updated to be relevant and fit in present day."
Verano also spoke about how Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be cross-platform across every platform. From varying consoles to each other and to PC as well. For those attending Gamescom this year, it will be playable on the show floor at the PlayStation booth. Everyone else will have to wait for the September 12 beta to get their hands on it.
"In a nut shell, you'll be able to play console to console and console to PC. So if you're partying up on console and you have a friend on PC that you want to play with, you guys can play together," Verano explained the cross-platform side further.
The reasoning for the open alpha on PlayStation 4 was attributed to getting more feedback for the upcoming beta. The full stage presentation with Geoff Keighley and Verano is available below alongside some gameplay footage of the Gunfight mode.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare releases later this year on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on October 25, 2019.

Be sure to let us know what you think of the Gunfight trailer!

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| Staff Writer

Jeff loves to write, stream, and make content about video games, pursuing his passion for the industry. He's a sucker for RPGs, survival games, roguelikes,… More about Jeffrey