cityconomy gamescom

Gamescom 2015 – Cityconomy Announced

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Published: August 6, 2015 11:54 AM

German publisher Astragon, known for making simulators such as Street Cleaning Simulator in 2011, has announced an open-world simulation game where you take control over all the service divisions of a huge metropolis called Cityconomy. The goal is to keep the city in good condition while the needs of citizens change.

As a player, you will play the role of an owner of a private service company, which will provide the services for a hole city. This will include things like waste removal, tow services, maintaining green areas, and more.

cityconomy gamescom 2015

Cityconomy promises to feature a city where you can drive wherever you want and take in the sights of the varied districts. As you drive about completing the varied missions, you will have access to many, "faithfully modeled vehicles and machines."

You'll slowly gain access to serving more districts with wealthier citizens as you increase your reputation. To do so, you'll need to make sure you quickly meet the needs of citizens. Once you do, more profitable contracts will become available as you try to service the entire city.

In addition to the main missions out there, Cityconomy will have subtasks for each district, a day-night cycle, as well as promising some detailed graphics. The game will also feature a multiplayer mode where Astragon promises those that appreciate and enjoy teamwork will have fun. Details on the multiplayer aren't available at this time.

Cityconomy is aiming for a release for PC sometime in Fall of this year.

Take a look at Cityconomy's trailer below to see it in action.

Quick Take

The promises of some detailed graphics doesn't look all that promising from the screenshots. However, the trailer seems to do the game a little more justice. It won't win any rewards for the looks, but it looks passable. 

Other than that, good on Astragon for trying to carve out a niche with some focused, unique content that should help separate it from what many people will assume is just another city simulator like Cities: Skylines or SimCity.

Andrew Otton
| Editor in Chief

Andrew is the Editor in Chief at TechRaptor. Conned into a love of gaming by Nintendo at a young age, Andrew has been chasing the dragon spawned by Super… More about Andrew