Games With Gold March 2016 Preview

Games With Gold March 2016 - Some detective work went into this one

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Published: February 24, 2016 9:58 AM

Normally we have to wait another couple of days before we get to learn what Games with Gold we're going to get for the next month but after a leak on by casualgamer80 and a false start from Xbox Spain releasing the Games With Gold video early on YouTube we've now got the official word on what the Xbox Live Games with Gold for March 2016 are. For those who aren't aware Games with Gold is a program where each month two Xbox One and two Xbox 360 games are available for Xbox Gold Subscribers to download throughout the month.

Games With Gold March 2016 One
Are you going to hunt for a killer or become one?

Starting on the Xbox One for the entire month of March gamers will be able to download Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishment. This game developed by Frogwares has you walking in the shoes of Sherlock as you work towards solving six different cases. Crimes and Punishment also allows you to follow through the case as you would want to giving you the freedom to follow different leads, interrogate those you suspect, and pick who you believe is guilty. This game might also get you excited for the next title in the series Sherlock Holmes: The Devils Daughter that will be released May 27th on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

When you're done playing detective you can get your hands a bit dirty in Lords of the Fallen which will be available from March 16th to April 15th. In ancient times the evil God was overthrown by humans who dictated a new world order where no sin can ever be forgiven. Now in present time a demonic legion has come to feed on the spirits of the innocents it's up to Harkyn, a convicted sinner, to travel to the darkness and face off against the Lords of the Fallen. This RPG brings with it a fun melee system where your own equipment affects your opponents speed and attacks.

Games With Gold March 2016 360
Do you prefer to take on an enemy with strategy or guns blazing?

For the Xbox 360 at the start of the month Gold subscribers will be able to pick up Supreme Commander 2. Command any manner of land, air, and sea units in this strategy game as you play as one of the three commanders, all former friends, in the largest civil war the galaxy has seen. Supreme Commander 2 will return to its regular price up through March 15th where upon the original Borderlands will become free until the end of March. With a mix of fast paced first person shooting, plenty of action and RPG elements, and a way to play with up to three of your friends Borderlands is one adventure you should try. You take on the role of one of the mercenaries on the planet Pandora in search of the mythical vault hidden somewhere on the planet. All of these games will also be available on Xbox One via Backwards Compatibility.

What do you think of this months offering of Games with Gold? Are there any games on here you're excited for? What about ones you'd recommend to people to try? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew