Games with Gold October 2015

Games with Gold October 2015 - Catching up to MGS V and some point and clicks

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Published: September 24, 2015 4:20 PM

September is a week from being over and we're getting a pretty early look at what the Games with Gold titles for next month will be. For those who are unaware Games with Gold is two free Xbox One games and two free Xbox 360 given to you over the course of the month, provided you have an active Xbox Live Gold subscription. For Xbox One the first free game is available all month and the second one is available from midway through till the middle of the next month. On Xbox 360 it's a bit simpler that one free game is available for the start of the month and the other free game is available after the 16th.

Games With Gold One September 2015

First up for Xbox One during the entirety of October Valiant Hearts: The Great War will be free for players. Valiant Hearts is a sidescrolling puzzle game putting you in the trenches of World War II as you take control of four different characters. During this adventure your mind will be tested as you have to solve puzzles as you charge the front, or do what you can to get out of enemy hands. The second game available from mid October until mid November is Telltale Games The Walking Dead Complete First Season. This series of games arguably began the reemergence of the point and click genre, especially for consoles. In the first season of The Walking Dead you will take on the role of Lee, a man on his way to prison when the world falls apart, you have to struggle to keep surviving and making decisions that could go really well, or could go equally as bad. The best part about this game is that your play through might be radically different from your friends playthrough and Telltale reflect that by showing you all the different decisions that you made and how many people chose differently.

Games With Gold 360 September 2015

For the Xbox 360 from the start of the month until the 15th Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be available for free, following this game being free in Augusts GwG for Xbox One. Ground Zeroes is a short prequel to MGS V that leads up to the moment where Big Boss ends up in a coma, the starting point for MGS V. While the main missions is relatively short there are many different missions that will give you different objectives in the same compound so that each time you start up you might have to play the game completely differently. If you've been playing MGS V and want to catch up a bit then now if your time, or if you want to try out a bit of MGS V without some features then this might be something fun for you to sink an hour or two into. From the 16th of October until the end of the month Xbox 360 owners will also be getting the first season of The Walking Dead. Be sure to also pick up Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition and the other September Games with Gold before the end of the month. October will be the last month before all Xbox 360 GwG titles will also all be backwards compatible on Xbox One, that might be some of the inspiration behind The Walking Dead being free for both platforms.

What do you think of this months Games with Gold? Are you excited to be able to play any of these games? If you could have one game go GwG what would it be?

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew