The French government has made a grab to entice British video game developers after the smoke of Brexit has cleared. The new initiative, called 'Join The Game', has the French government offering tax breaks and other financial incentives for developers to relocate across the channel. The new site for the campaign offers companies and developers help and advice about making the move into France, including information on taxation, public funding, and labor laws.
The French Directorate General has said that video games have very swiftly become one of France's biggest industries, raking in billions of euro's each year. When speaking to The Guardian the directorate said: "In only a few years, video games have become France's second largest cultural industry, behind books and ahead of cinema, it is one of the most dynamic sectors in the French economy, with more than 5,000 direct jobs.”. With the new initiative attempting to attract even more jobs in the industry, it is likely that the games industry is only going to become a stronger and stronger force in France.
It seems as if the French Government is hoping to capitalize on the economic instability caused by Brexit by attracting companies who will soon be looking to relocate when Brexit goes through in October of this year. With the games industry having such strong ties with France, thanks to companies such as Ubisoft and DONTNOD, it seems as though France might become one of the top locations for game companies looking for somewhere to operate in central Europe. With a 30% tax credit available on video game products it's almost a no-brainer for companies who, on average, have a workforce made up of at least 30% EU Citizens.
What do you think about the new Join The Game! program? Do you think many developers will jump ship to France after Brexit? Let us know what you think in the comment section down below.