If you're up to kill more Nazi scum, as all Americans should be, then good news. Wolfenstein: Youngblood has gotten a free update that adds in more missions.
After you complete the main game you'll unlock the sidequest "Da'at Yichud Artifacts." Finish that and you get access to a brand new sidequest called "Treasure Hunt." This new mission will bring you to some brand new locations. You'll get to check out a Parisian reservoir and a secret Nazi bunker, both of which are ripe for shooting. Just be careful, as these locations have a trio of new enemies. Most noticeable is the Wurmlochsoldat, a teleporting version of the Übersoldier already found in the game.
Complete "Treasure Hunt" and then you can hunt actual treasure. Twenty treasure maps will be added to your inventory, letting you search Paris for these rewards. Find a treasure chest and you'll be rewarded with XP, silver coins, and an ability point. Keep hold of those ability points, as several new abilities have been added to the game as well. Each skill tree has at least one new ability added to it, letting you grab useful skills like Quick Revive, Dual Wield Expert, and Silent Killer.
There's also a pair of new pep signals, based on some of id Software's other games. Hammer Rage lets you restore some heavy weapon ammo, while Quad Damage lets you do, well... quadruple damage. Just like you'd expect. Finally, the new update brings eight new skins into the game, letting you feel a little more unique. One skin is of a skeleton, which technically has no skin, but don't tell the developers that.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
How do you feel about this update? Going to try out the new side quest and hunt for treasure? Not interested in returning? Let us know in the comments below!