
Fran Bow Devs Begin New Project - Different Galaxy

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Published: May 26, 2016 5:47 PM

Telling the tale of a little girl stuck in a mental health hospital who tries to get home by shifting dimensions while being pursued by a malevolent entity, Horror point & click adventure Fran Bow released last year to glowing user reviews. It turned out to be an unexpected gem with a somewhat ambiguous story that provided enough tangible clues to support a number of theories, each more sinister than the last. The gameplay feature of popping pills to shift between dimensions was implemented with similar cunning, but by far the most striking aspect was the beautiful hand-drawn art style that could charm an ill-tempered gargoyle. So it is with great satisfaction that I point out the pair of talented swedes that make up Indi developer Killmonday Games have announced a new project on their website called Different Galaxy.

Details are sparse since development is in the very early stages. From the information gleamed from their website  Different Galaxy is the story of a kitten who happens to be a scout, it’ll be a 2D hand-drawn adventure, and the game engine has had a serious upgrade with a move from GameMaker Studio to Unity. Everything else is up in the air at the moment. The story is complete and they’re working on gameplay, programming, and aesthetics, with the mechanics subject to change to fit the story.

different galaxy
The cat in Fran Bow was fairly normal aside from the talking. This one’s anthropomorphic, wearing clothes and standing upright. Evolution works fast!

TechRaptor has contacted Killmonday Games about Different Galaxy and we’re both hopeful to bring you an interview in the future when the game has reached a later stage in its development cycle. 

Quick Take

I must confess Fran Bow is one of those games that stuck with me, to the point where I ended up nominating it for TechRaptor’s 2015 GotY awards in visuals and music (it was robbed of course). Clearly I'm not alone as gamers continue to produce their own fan art and theories. If Different Galaxy delivers more of the same magic, we're in for a real treat.

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As English as fish & chips and twice as greasy, Mark has wielded a keyboard from the age of five and has a green belt in Taekwondo, proving his… More about Mark