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Four Indie Games Coming Exclusively to Epic Games Store

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Published: March 21, 2019 10:15 AM

While Epic has been going out of its way to grab a bunch of bigger games, such as the recently announced The Outer Worlds, Control, The Sinking City, and all three of Quantic Dream's recent games, they're also still going for the smaller games. Fout indie games will also be launching exclusively on the Epic Games Store this year, along with a fifth game that will be seeing a simultaneous release on Steam and Epic.

First up is Afterparty, the spiritual successor to Oxenfree (which, in some interesting timing, is currently available for free on the Epic Games Store.) The game, developed by Night School Studio, features a pair of friends who die and find themselves in hell. The two discover a loophole however: if someone outdrinks Satan they can come back to life. Thus begins the greatest party of all time, as the player attempts to navigate hell and challenge the devil to drink. The game will be launching sometime in 2019.

The second game is The Cycle, developed by Spec Ops: The Line devs Yager. The game is a competitive first-person shooter where 20 players (either solo or in teams of four) drop into a map. Their goal is not to fight each other, but rather kill wildlife, collect resources, and complete quests. At the end of the round the player or team that has done the most to help colonize the planet wins. At release, The Cycle will be free to play. If you want to try it will have an alpha test running from March 28th until the 31st.


Next up is Industries of Titan, by Crypt of the Necromancer developers Brace Yourself Games. This game has you building an industrial city on Jupiter's moon Titan. Featuring real-time with pausing gameplay, you'll have to build and sustain this city. Of course, you'll also be building giant battleships to defend the city from attack, or to blow up other cities. I mean, what's the point if you can't? Industries of Titan will be launching in Early Access sometime this year.

The fourth game is Kine, a musical 3D puzzle game by solo dev Gwen Frey. The simple puzzle game sees you taking control of silly musical instruments. They stretch their bodies to roll around on platforms and reach the goal. Each instrument can extend parts of their body, letting them reach new areas or help their friends around. You'll be helping these instruments make a band and find their big break. The game is coming soon to PC and consoles.


While it won't be exclusive, it was also announced that Trover Saves the Universe, by Squanch Games, will also be making its way to the Epic Store. Developed by Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland, Trover Saves the Universe has you playing as Trover as he attempts to save his dognapped dogs. The game is a 3D platformer that's playable either normally or in VR. It will also be launching on PlayStation 4 with PSVR support.

Samuel Guglielmo TechRaptor
| Reviews Editor

I'm Sam. I have been playing video games since my parents brought home a PlayStation whenever that came out. Started writing for TechRaptor for 2016 and,… More about Samuel