Epic games has released the full details for the new update to Fortnite. The Version 3.4 patch brings with it some subtle gameplay tweaks, as well as one, couldn't be any less subtle one. Guided Missiles have been added into Fortnite: Battle Royale and have even been given their own trailer to celebrate. The missiles can be maneuvered around cover, making them a real tactical advantage for those who are lucky enough to pick them up. They can be found in Treasure Chests and Supply Drops, and have an Epic and Legendary rarity. It's worth noting that when firing, players will be unable to move until either their rocket hits a target, or they cancel the shot.
As well as new weapons, the Sniper Shootout mode has been tweaked, adding the Hunting Rifle and Crossbow, while removing the Magnum. This newly updated mode is being called Sniper Shootout v2, and will go live with alongside the new update.
There's new content for those playing Fortnite: Save the World too, with a new 'The Three Husketeers' quest-line added for players to tackle. The quest-line is descried as a series of mini-bosses, looking to have an Easter theme from the accompanying image. Continuing said Easter theme are two new outfits which have been added to the game. Both Rabbit Raider Jonesy / Miss Bunny Penny will be available as part of the update.
Finally, there are bug fixes detailed for all versions of the game. Most notably, the Boogie Bomb is being added back into the game, after being pulled when issues had started to occur when using it. A lot of players will no doubt be glad to hear that Epic has fixed the issue which caused revived players to become stuck in an invalid state if a building piece was placed between the two players in the middle of the revive.
Be sure to head over to the full post for details on each and every bug fix coming to the game, as well as drop rates and damage stats for the all new Guided Missiles.
Are you excited to get your hands on the new Guided Missiles? What are your thoughts on the Fortnite 3.4 update? Let us know in the comments.