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For Honor Season Pass Offers Early Access to Free DLC

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Published: February 3, 2017 2:00 PM

For Honor's release date of February 14th is fast approaching and publisher Ubisoft have now detailed the content that will included in the obligatory season pass. In an almost identical strategy to that seen with the release of Rainbow Six: Siege last year, the season pass for For Honor will give seven days early access to new hero characters as they are released as well as in game cosmetics and experience-boosting status from day one. In addition to the six new heroes that are to be released two at a time a the start of each new season of the 'faction war,' Ubisoft have stated that they will be adding in more game modes, maps, and gear post-release and that the season pass will also grant early access to 'some elements' of this content. The full details of what is currently available in the season pass are as follows,

  • Six all ­new Heroes available seven days before released to all players
  • Six elite outfits to customize the new Heroes Day One War Pack:
  • One exclusive sunbeam effect on emotes for all Heroes
  • Three exclusive emblem outlines
  • Three scavenger crates to unlock additional gear
  • 30 ­day Champion Status that gives XP boosts to friends, more XP from crafting and additional end ­match loot.

All players will receive access to the post-launch content for free including the maps and heroes when the season pass exclusivity expires, with the new heroes becoming unlockable via the in-game currency, Steel. For those wondering about the exact timing of the DLC releases, specifics have not yet been given other than to say that the new heroes will be released at the start of a new season of For Honor's persistent meta-game the Faction War. If we see a similar release calendar to that pursued with Rainbow Six: Siege then this would mean a roughly quarterly release.

If you're yet to try out For Honor's medieval melee combat, there's an open beta coming up across all platforms from the 9th-12th of February. This comes after a closed alpha last year and beta earlier last month and will include a yet to be seen four on four match type known as elimination. Elimination will be a best of five deathmatch style contest with no respawns. The beta also features nine of the twelve hero characters that will be available to play at launch. F0r Honor is set for release on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on the 14th of February.

Will we be seeing you in the open beta in just over a week's time? Did you play either of the previous closed testing rounds? What do you think about a season pass that's offering only timed exclusivity and experience (again)? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Dom Oleary Writer
| Former Staff Writer

I'm a dyed in the wool gamer of the now irrelevant (I'm told) generation-X. If I'm not gaming, you'll find me writing about games, writing my wonderful… More about Dom

More Info About This Game
Learn More About For Honor
Game Page For Honor
Ubisoft Montreal
Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4
Release Date
February 14, 2017 (Calendar)
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