If you have a hankering for some high-speed shooter fun, now's as good a time as any to check out Midair! The game has reached version 1.0 and released as a free-to-play title on Steam according to a news post on the game's Steam Community page.
The product of a successful Kickstarter, Midair seeks to revive the TRIBES style of gameplay with jetpacks, skiing, and a massive arsenal of projectile-based weapons. Vehicles and automated base defenses also feature in the game, and additional vehicles are currently in development. Have a look at the Free-To-Play Launch Trailer to see some high-flying gameplay for yourself:
The full patch notes show off all of the changes that are in store for version 1.0. New cosmetics have been added to the game, and the cosmetic item names are now color-coded by their rarity. A first pass on a "reload forgiveness" feature has been implemented; throwing a grenade or changing weapons close to the end of a reload animation will allow the reload to complete. This particular feature is considered "the first step toward a more broad solution". A number of other minor changes and bugfixes have been added to the game as well; be sure to read the full patch notes for all the details.
If you'd like to bypass the free-to-play shenanigans entirely, you can elect to pick up the Manaborn game pass for $19.99 (currently at a 20% discount). This unlocks Armor types, items, packs & augments, and weapons in the game for you forever. Additionally, any new content that gets added in the future will be delivered to you immediately. Otherwise, you can head on over to the game's Steam Store Page and get right to gaming in this Free-To-Play title.
What do you think of Midair? Does the game scratch that TRIBES itch in just the right way or does it still need some work? Let us know in the comments below!