First Person Mode Rumored for GTA 5

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Published: September 22, 2014 9:20 AM

Quickly removed from Rockstar's website, an update to Grand Theft Auto 5 will feature first person modes for both in vehicle and on foot play. The update would come to the Xbox One, PS4, and PC versions of the game. The new update provided details on several updates to the game which can be seen below:

  • A new first person mode for vehicles that shows the interior including working speedometers, dash lights, tachometers, and more.
  • A new first person mode while on foot
  • A "wealth" of new easter eggs and random events for Story mode.
  • Players who transfer characters from Xbox 360 or PS3 will recieve free new weapons and a free garage in GTA Online,
  • A newly overhauled character selection screen.
  • Increased draw distances, texture detail, and enhanced resolution.
  • New jobs, weapons, and character customization options
  • New animals to prowl the map and more dense traffic
  • Video editing for the PC edition designed for advanced movie making (aka YouTube parody videos)
Grand Theft Auto 5 arrives November 18th on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, with the PC release coming January 27th of next year. Take the rumor with a grain of salt, but if it proves true, you might just have another reason to visit the world of Los Santos all over again, this time from a first person perspective.


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Avid shooter and platformer fan. Coffee is the only power up I need. In the spare time I have I will listen to more podcasts than has scientifically been… More about Bryan