Firaxis Games to Host Civilization VI AI Battle on Twitch

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Published: October 14, 2016 4:30 PM

After announcing a second leader for the Greek civ earlier this week, Firaxis have just announced another surprise: an AI Battle Royale to celebrate the impending launch of Sid Meier's Civilization VI.

This news comes from a press release that announces that Firaxis Games are hosting a Sid Meier's Civilization VI stream on 2K Games' official Twitch channel on October 19. This stream will feature a Battle Royal between 8 AI-controlled civs as they fight, barter and betray their way to an early science victory.

Featuring live commentary from the developers of Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, find out which leader has what it takes to create a civilization to last the test of time.
This AI Battle Royale will feature the following empires: This event will start off on October 19 at 3:30pm ET / 8:30pm BST. You can find 2K's official Twitch channel by going here. Don't worry if you're not able to watch it at that time. The match will be uploaded to the Civilization channel on YouTube. For more information, you can check the news post on the game's Steam Community page.

Sid Meier's Civilization VI has reworked, expanded and/or pruned many of the franchise's most fundamental mechanics, making sweeping changes to how cities are represented and to how they function within the game world, and the game's extensive tech tree and social policies systems have also gotten a major rework.

Quick Take

While this is a great way to promote the mostly singleplayer game before its October 21 release, it's also a chance for them to show off the game's AI opponents, which in older entries to the franchise didn't always remember the concept of reasonable discourse, which usually meant nukes were to promptly be catapulted in your general direction for having the audacity of sharing a border with their empire. They at least seem confident that their AI will behave less psychopathic this time around. 
Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.