After the couple of leaks earlier today, the Final Fantasy XV: Uncovered event has just ended. 14 major announcements were made not only about the game but also the universe of Final Fantasy XV. For those who missed the presentation itself, we have put together all of the announcements today so that you can catch up on what you missed out on.
The event started with Sakaguchi taking to the stage to introduce himself as the father of Final Fantasy. He talked about how he saw it start and watched it grow up like his own child, even when he questioned its path. Director Tabata and he plan to guide Final Fantasy back to its roots. He then dismissed himself to take a seat and enjoy the uncovering of Final Fantasy XV himself.
A new trailer was shown showing off a variety of locations and battles. The trailer then rewound to have Greg and Tim from Kinda Funny do a reacts video on the trailer. They are interrupted before too long to be announced as the hosts of the event. They explain that there will be 14 announcements made over the course of this presentation. The first was Sakaguchi talking about his history, and the second was the new trailer.
The third announcement was the piece of artwork called "The Big Bang," a 3D animation of a 2D piece of artwork. We then watch as we get to see various parts of the artwork in depth as the camera moves around focusing on all of the creatures until it becomes the logo for Final Fantasy XV.
Florence from Florence and the Machine spoke next about hearing classical music from video games and how she wanted to become involved in it herself. She comments on the emotion in the music she listened to and how she wanted to try to create something similar.
After some jokes about the leaks earlier today, the next uncovering was announced. This was new gameplay from Final Fantasy XV. This gameplay shows Noctus and his group calling a chocobo to ride complete with theme music. The chocobo can run, jump, glide, and even slide. If you're in the car, though, there is a Final Fantasy radio that you can listen to featuring music from a variety of Final Fantasy titles. As you drive there will be optional events that appear along the side of the road that you can choose to accept or move on from. Enemy AI was also touched upon with the example of a frozen behemoth, instead of continuing to attack as soon as it realized how outmatched it was it began to run away from the player.
Next to be talked about is the world itself. We get another new trailer called the World of Wonder: Environment Footage. In this we get to see some of the fast and changing environments from grassy plains, lush forests, cities, mountaintops, and more. Not much more can really be said about the world other than asking you to watch the trailer for yourself.
Characters were the next aspect to be talked about. Noctis is the prince and is fighting to get back his kingdom, Ignis is the right hand man to Noctis, Gladio is Noctis' bodyguard, and finally Prompto is the everyday man companion to Noctis. To learn about their origins there will be a 5 episode OVA series called Final Fantasy XV: Brotherhood. The first episode is already available online and the rest will also be free releasing before Final Fantasy XV comes out.
King Regis, Noctus' father, and Luna his betrothed are also going to have their story explained in a feature length CG movie called Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive. Lena Hedey, Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones, appeared on stage to announce that she is going to voice Luna in Kingsglaive. The movie will take place during FFXV but will focus on what is happening in the kingdom while Noctus is on his journey. It was also announced that Sean Bean will voice King Regis and that Aaron Paul will voice Nyx, a member of the Kingsglaive, an elite task force with an important mission from the King. This movie will be able to download and stream worldwide before the game comes out.
In Final Fantasy XV if you're in a diner there will be a minigame to play called Justice Monsters V. It looks like a mix between pinball and an RPG battle game. It will also be coming to iOS, Android, and Windows 10 for you to play on the go. Pre-registration for the game will begin tonight.
Matt Kishimoto from Square Enix America takes to the stage next to talk about their new Final Fantasy XV demo. The demo that will take place in Young Noctis' dream world where he follows around Carbuncle in this strange world exploring and even fighting monsters. In this demo you will also be able to try out the updated combat that will come with the final release of the game. This demo will be called Platinum Demo: Final Fantasy XV. After the trailer some gameplay is shown showing off weather changes, the ability to control monsters, and young adaptations on weapons and magic. The demo will be free; completion of the demo will reward you with Carbuncle for the main game, and it will be available tonight on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
The second to last announcement is a Deluxe Edition that comes with an exclusive steelbook, Kingsglaive, the Final Fantasy XV game, as well as bonus content outfit, a sword, and a skin for the car. This edition will be sold for US $89.99. There will also be an Ultimate Collectors Edition with an artbook, Brotherhood, Kingsglaive, a soundtrack that will also have tracks from all of the FFXV series, and much much more. Only 30,000 of the Ultimate Collectors Edition will be available at the Square Enix Store and will be available to purchase at 9pm pacific tonight.
Tabata Hajime, the Director of Final Fantasy XV, took to the stage to thank the audience and all those watching before the final release date will be announced. He comments that even though a lot of people might already know, this is an important part of the process. The final release date will be September 30th 2016.
A 15th reveal was announced at the end to much surprise. There is one last trailer showing cut together footage from all that we have seen at the presentation tonight set to "Stand by Me" by Florence and the Machine once again before we finally get to see that the car will have the ability to turn into a plane.
What do you think of all of the announcements? Are you excited for all of the Final Fantasy XV to come? Let us know in the comments below!