ffxiv shadowbringers

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Outlines Post-Launch Content, Crafting Updates, Finally More Glamour

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Published: June 17, 2019 10:15 PM

On June 15th, Square Enix hosted the 52nd Letter from the Producer Live, in which producer Naoki Yoshida outlined some of the early post-launch patch plans for Final Fantasy XIV's upcoming Shadowbringers expansion. In addition to the patch dates, the live stream also covered some of the upcoming changes to FFXIV's crafting and gathering jobs as well as a teaser trailer of Shadowbringers' first dungeon.

The bread and butter of post-main scenario content are of course the raids (just kidding, it's the glamour), and FFXIV players will luckily not have to wait long. Patch 5.01, which brings the normal raid Eden, will release two weeks after launch day on July 2nd. Patch 5.05, which launches July 30th, will bring Eden's savage version, a new dungeon, and the next iteration of tomestones for players to grind for.

Yoshida also elaborated on some of the adjustments made to the gathering and crafting classes. In addition to the new abilities that players would expect from the new expansion, gatherers will also get a few quality of life improvements, namely a reduced difficulty in obtaining Tomes of Regional Folklore and the ability to set timers for unspoiled, legendary, and ephemeral nodes. For crafters, Steady Hand II has been added to all classes so that new crafters aren't practically required to get Culinarian to level 37 before being able to craft with other classes effectively. Recipe aspects are also being removed and older master recipe books will be made easier to obtain. Finally, the crafting interface has been redesigned to add some much-needed clarity to what effects are currently affecting your crafting.

ffxiv shadowbringers crafting update

All in all, the new crafting system is designed to be less intimidating for newer crafters, which has been a big problem for the last few expansions.

Finally, Yoshida went over a few of the UI and quality of life updates, which you can view in full in the video above. Most importantly, it includes improvements to the real endgame, which is glamour. Glamour dresser space has now increased from 200 to 400 and glamour plates from 10 to 15. Flight is also enabled for all mounts now, but who the heck cares 'cause we've got more glamour plates.

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers will release on July 2nd, 2019. Players who pre-ordered will get early access starting June 28th.

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| Staff Writer

Jack Waibel is a writer, dungeon master, and lifelong gamer, with words appearing in EGM and TechRaptor. He’s tapped more land cards than modern science can… More about Jack